The Truth About Resveratrol Cream 2019
Unlike many other supplements on the market, resveratrol cream has a significant amount of scientific literature from various trusted sources such as US National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, and The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.
However, it should be known that resveratrol cream is made for a specific, and different set of uses. One type of cream might not have the benefits that another do.
The main uses for the creams are pain alleviation, anti-aging and moisturizing. In this guide, we’ll go over what the science has to say about how resveratrol helps with each of those.
What Resveratrol Does and The Scientific Research Behind It
There are thousands of creams on the market, each claiming special properties and incredible benefits. But little does the average consumer know that there is no real science to back up those claims. This however, is not the case for resveratrol.
When we began our research, to be honest, we weren’t expecting much. What we found completely defied our expectations. Volumes of research has been published by accredited agencies such as the NLM, NHI, and JCD (referenced in the opening paragraph) on resveratrol supplements.
Additionally, there was an overwhelming amount of positive customer reviews where people completely fell in love with resveratrol products.
The first part of our research process when looking into the cream was to find the top ranking products on the market and to look at their claims. Resveratrol creams often are not made with resveratrol alone, they contain other components for a myriad of benefits. For example, Vine Vera’s day cream contains resveratrol for its anti-aging benefits along with their moisturizing solution and a variety of other vitamins and minerals.
So then we had to isolate what factors resveratrol was indeed responsible for. After scouring through thousands of sources on the web, we compiled a list of the most claimed benefits of resveratrol and then proceeded to look for research that both supported or debunked the claims.
Verified benefits:
- Relieving pain from muscle soreness, carpal tunnel, tendinitis, and arthritis.
- Antioxidant for preventing skin cancers.
- Combating cardiovascular disease.
- Combating Diabetes.
- Anti aging cream.
- Proven to fight Alzheimer's (research is still in progress).
- Prevents pain (only treats it).
- Should be obtained through wine/cocoa.
- Helps prevent cancers other than skin cancer.
Resveratrol cream has plenty of incredible health benefits that are backed by scientific research. However, to be clear, there are 2 types of creams.
Pain Relief Cream
The first kind of cream focuses on pain relief. It combines resveratrol with other ingredients such as wintergreen extract to create a chemical effect that relieves pain and relaxes nerve cells. This process is often called neuropathic pain relief. These types of pain relief creams do not prevent pain, they only soothe it after the fact.
Anti Aging, Antioxidant and Moisturizing Cream
The second type of cream focuses on its anti aging benefits. These creams are capable of extending cellular life by a significant margin which provides anti aging benefits. To be clear, they’re a completely seperate product from the pain relief creams and do not share any benefits with each other.
Additionally, the antioxidants are a powerful agent for preventing skin cancers.
Towards the end of this guide, we’ll go into a deep dive on the literature and materials we’re citing to back up these claims.
Resveratrol Claims You Should Take With a Grain of Salt
Not every claim was backed up though. Research into resveratrol health being able to combat Alzheimer’s is still in progress. While scientists do believe that it can help, there is no research that definitively proves it.
Additionally, resveratrol, being a topical cream, can only affect the dermis. This means it does help prevent skin cancer but not other types of cancer. Resveratrol supplementation however can affect the entire body.
Lastly, in order to benefit from resveratrol, you have to intake it quantities that are unobtainable through natural foods. For example, research has shown that you would need to drink 700 bottles of wine each day in order to get a sufficient dose. Now, we know the prospect of 700 bottles of wine might get some of you excited but it just might have some other side effects.
A Deep Nerdy Dive Into The Research Behind Resveratrol
Resveratrol - Anti Aging Research
On August 9th, 2017, the National Library of Medicine in conjunction with the National Institues of Health published “A comparative study of anti-aging properties and mechanism: resveratrol and caloric restriction” where they studied the effects of resveratrol on aging.
The research showed that resveratrol prolonged apoptosis (cell-suicide) by 7.2% meaning that cells had a 7.2% longer, functional life span before having to undergo apoptosis.
As a side note, caloric restriction had a similar but less significant impact.
Additional research from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology had been published as far back as 2018 verifying several benefit of resveratrol and igniting the research of its disease fighting capabilities. The research focused on comparing resveratrol to other skin care products and found that it provided superior benefits to all of them but also that resveratrol worked better in conjunction with other ingredients.
As an Antioxidant Agent & Disease Prevention
On June 28th, 2015, the PMC published a ground-breaking research on several of resveratrol’s properties titled “Properties of Resveratrol: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies about Metabolism, Bioavailability, and Biological Effects in Animal Models and Humans“
According to the research, oxidizing agents play a major role in the development of multiple diseases.
These include neurodegenerative diseases, cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, oxidizing agents also play a large role in cell senescence (or cellular aging). Normally, oxidizing agents are released by the mitochondria and dealt with by other parts of the cell. However, during times of stress, the mitochondria overload the body with oxidizing agents beyond natural recovery rates. And in 2019, who isn’t high strung all the time?
The research concludes that resveratrol is an extremely potent anti oxidizing agent because it balances out the mitochondria and inhibits it from releases free radicals.
The long term effects of resveratrol supplementation are that it reduces the expression of damaging antioxidant genes and is why resveratrol cream has been skyrocketing in popularity.
The most interesting conclusion to their research was that resveratrol also possessed incredible regenerative effects by inhibiting oxidizing agents from wrecking havoc after an injury. Healing increases were measured in spinal cords, muscles, and various other parts of the body.
Resveratrol for Pain Relief
March 5th, 2016 marked the data where groundbreaking research was made on resveratrol pain cream. In their publication titled “Resveratrol attenuates neuropathic pain through balancing pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines release in mice” researchers discovered the potency of resveratrol for pain relief.
In short, the research by Doctors Tao, Ding, Gao and Sun revealed that resveratrol had a compound effect of reducing nerve inflammation whilst also numbing pain. This effect proved only to be active for the topical cream and while it could not prevent pain, it could relieve it almost immediately.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Still citing the same PMC research of June 28th, resveratrol was found to inhibit the production of thrombin, a compound that dramatically interferes with blood clots. The reason that this is important is because blood clots are what prevents you from bleeding out when you get a cut or an injury. Additionally, resveratrol is part of our best supplement stack for weight loss and research has shown it to inhibit fat cell growth.
Consumption - Natural or in Doses?
According to the research, it is not possible for living organisms to see the incredible benefits of resveratrol by consuming natural foods. The only way to obtain high enough dosage is through supplementation.
Although here at Health Energy Guru, we’re believers in natural ways to improve our lives, the truth is that resveratrol is just too potent not to supplement with it. It’s one of the few supplements on the market that’s deeply researched and verified to posses an insane amount of benefits. It’s personally a supplement that we’ll be taking every day. What are your thoughts on it?
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