3 Best Booty Band Workouts: Tone And Grow Your Glutes
Booty bands are an amazing tool for ramping up your lower body workouts and toning your glutes. Especially now, while gyms are closed, and lots of people are working from home, a booty band workout is easy to do and requires barely any equipment or space.
So for anyone who is a bit tired of body-weight workouts with no added weight or extra intensity, booty bands are perfect. They allow you to add resistance to your leg and glute exercises so you can actually tone and grow muscle.
Here are 3 of the best booty band workouts for anyone interested in taking their home workouts to the next level.
3 Best Booty Band Workouts
These 3 booty band workouts are geared towards either toning, muscle building, and mobility. The only equipment you’ll need is a booty band, an exercise mat, and a bit of space.
If you have booty bands of different strengths or sizes, experiment with each exercise to see which booty bands fit the movements best and give you the best burn. You can also look at our article here on the top 7 booty bands that we recommend if you’re looking for one to purchase.
Toning Booty Band Workout
This booty band workout is perfect for toning the glutes, legs, and core. It incorporates a little cardio to get the heart rate up and maximize fat burning, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles. Perform all 3 exercises through, then repeat the whole thing 3 times.

Ankle Jumping Jack
Reps: 20
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and wrap the booty band around your ankles. Lower down into a half-squat, then jump both feet out wide and immediately jump back to the starting position. This should be a fast-paced exercise with no breaks until you finish all 20 reps.
Donkey Kick
Reps: 12 on each side
Come onto all fours on the mat. Wrap the booty band around your left ankle and loop it over the sole of your right foot. Lift the right leg into the air while keeping the leg bent. You’ll feel the burn in your glutes from the resistance of the band. Lower the leg back down. Complete all reps on one side first, then switch sides.
Squat to Lateral leg Lift
Reps: 10 on each side
Stand with the booty band around your thighs, feet hip-width apart. Perform a squat, and as you come back up, lift one leg out laterally from the body while keeping the leg straight. After lifting the leg, lower it back down and come back to the starting position. Do the same thing but lift the opposite leg. Alternate legs until you’ve done 20 reps total.
Plank Jack
Reps: 20
This is basically the ankle jumping jack but performed in a plank position to maximize the burn in your core. Come into a plank position with the booty band around your ankles. Jump both feet away from the center before immediately jumping them back in.
Muscle Building Booty Band Workout
This booty band workout really engages the glute muscles and the core. If you perform this workout consistently, you may notice growth in your glutes. Repeat the entire exercise 3 times.
Lateral Band Walk
Reps: 20
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and come into a half-squat. Take a wide step to the right with your right foot, then follow with your left foot, so you end with your feet together. Repeat, and then go the other direction with your left foot stepping first. Two steps to one side = 1 rep.
Glute Bridge
Reps: 20
Lie on your back with your feet on the floor, knees bent, and wrap the booty band around your thighs. Slowly lift your hips to the sky, squeezing your glutes as hard as you can. Hold for a few seconds, then lower back down.
Glue Bridge Pulse
Reps: 20
Come into the same exact position as the glute bridge with the band around your thighs. When you lift your hips up, pulse both legs away from the center, so you feel the burn in the side of your glutes. Repeat 20 times then lower back down.
Side Squat
Reps: 10 on each side
Stand with the booty band wrapped around your ankles. Step one foot out to the side, plant your feet a bit wider than hip-width apart and squat down deeply. Hold the squat for a few seconds, then step back to start. Alternate legs, so you perform 20 squats total.
Booty Band Workout For Mobility
This workout exercises the mobility of your hip flexors while working the glutes. The glutes and hips are tightly linked, so this booty band workout helps increase the range of motion and muscle definition. Repeat all the exercises 3 times.
Fire Hydrants
Reps: 10 on each side
Come onto all fours on your mat. Wrap the booty band around your thighs. Lift one knee off the floor, keeping it bend and trying to raise it, so it is perpendicular to the floor. Feel the burn in the side of your glutes and feel the stretch in the hips, and keep your core tight and upper body stable. Lower the knee back down and repeat ten times on one side before switching to the next side.
Standing Glute Kickback
Reps: 15 on each side
Stand up straight with your feet together and the booty band around your ankles. Keep your core straight and strong. Shift all your weight into one leg, and slowly kick the other leg back about 6 inches. The resistance from the booty band should make this quite a challenge. Kick the same leg back 15 times, then switch legs.
Reps: 15 on each side
Lie on your right side and prop your head up with your right arm. Bend your legs but keep them together, so your right thigh is on the mat, and your left thigh is stacked directly on top. Wrap the booty band around your thighs, then lift your top thigh up to the sky. Your opening legs should resemble an opening clamshell. Do all reps on one side before switching to the opposite side.
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